Thursday, 21 January 2010

FDA Mess Just Not Good Enough

For decades the pharmaceutical industry has reaped a rich harvest from its freedom to market and sell to the unsuspecting public dangerous and often lethal drugs. The success of this operation would not have been possible without the connivance or negligence of government. But Truth is the most persistent power in the universe.
It is so much beyond dispute that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as Vioxx, Bextra and Celebrex lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular problems even the FDA admits it. Vioxx and Bextra alone have been linked to over 60 000 deaths in an eight year period, which is a colossal death toll.

However, as if this were not bad enough, it transpires that these prescription drugs are not the only painkillers that are dangerous. Most watchers of the Great Pharmaceutical Debacle and observers of the death throes of the Drug-for-Profit Paradigm could have told you this one was coming but the FDA is now finally urging the public to be wary of over-the-counter pain medications such as Aleve, Aspirin and Ibuprofen as it has emerged that they are not all that safe.

Many of us would use stronger language than "be wary of" when applied to these chemicals but considering this is the FDA we are talking about, perhaps we should be grateful for whatever action in the direction of public safety is forthcoming.

Aleve is apparently the first non-prescription NSAID to be associated with heart attacks and strokes. In fact, it is so dangerous that those who have been taking it for nearly three years have been advised to stop using it! People taking the prescription version of Aleve, Naprosyn, are also being directed to take the drug with extreme caution. Better still, find a natural alternative for pain relief, for which there are many, and stop taking the drugs – unless you have become addicted for you may need medical supervision to wean yourself off some drugs.

How long have Aspirin and Ibruprofen been around? I hear you ask. And only now the FDA warns us they are not safe? How many millions of people have taken them for how many years in the belief they were safe? How many unsuspecting people have been made ill by them or even died because of them?

The FDA manages to swoop like a public health batman on supplement companies that have the temerity to....well, exist, as was the case not so long ago with a company whose "drug" was cherry juice concentrate, which the manufacturer wickedly "misbranded" with the entirely true statement that the juice concentrate helps to eliminate gout! The number of people who have died as a result of consuming cherry juice concentrate has climbed to almost one fatality so it is lucky for us the ever vigilant FDA was on the ball.

While all this was going on millions of people were taking the anti-inflammatory painkillers (including gout sufferers I assume) either by subscription or over the counter and a goodly number of these were suffering complications therefrom including, but not limited to, death.

The truth has a habit of defying the best efforts of some to conceal it and to seep remorselessly into the open. It is a lesson that those who seek to control or even kill Man by chicanery and subterfuge never seem to grasp despite overwhelming evidence that it is so. If force or PR (lying), cabal, deceit, slander or the victimisation of people minding their own business were successful ways to govern, then there would still be Egypt or Rome, or a British Empire. Of course, one of the traits of a criminal is his inhibited ability to learn.

The truth in this case looks set to bring down the NSAID drug empire and unmask the incompetence and dereliction of the FDA, for this scandal is but the tip of an iceberg that extends way further than the one case cited here. Anyone even casually familiar with the drugs industry and the FDA knows that below the surface - well, actually on the surface – there lies a cesspool of scandal, corruption, extortion and betrayal of the trust of the citizenry.

It is the citizenry whose very survival depends on honesty from their government and its apparatus and who are, as always, the victims when powerful organizations become suborned by dishonest men and descend into the darkness.

We are viewing a corrupt mismanaged mess marked by a creeping negation of liberty and human rights (such as the right not to be poisoned so someone else can make a buck) by powers too cowardly to openly oppress the people but who covertly chip away at them instead.

It is not acceptable.

And it is time for honest men of good will to create a new paradigm of their own.

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